Be here, now

  1. I’m no longer scared of not having enough money

    Old patterns of behaviour can be hard to shake. They feel like using a map from the city I used to live in to find my way around my current city. I’m very unlikely to find the places I want to find with it and to thrive in my new environment.

  2. Tidiness and cleaning: my coping mechanisms to feel safe

    I’ve discovered that my predilection for tidiness and uncluttered spaces comes from a need to feel safe in an environment where I can see everything clearly.

  3. Less is more

    Everything is always aimed at thinking about how we can be more, achieve more, and have more stuff. It’s our culture’s default, and we’ve become conditioned to see it as the most positive use of our time here on earth, but is it?

  4. The importance of doing our real work

    Doing your real work, that thing that you know you should do, that thing that you know you’ve been putting off for years, it’s the most important mission you have on any given day

  5. La Felicidad no pasa por casualidad

    Ser feliz es el resultado de ciertas prácticas diarias que debemos decidir de antemano y tener la disciplina de llevar a cabo cada día.

  6. What is my Mission

    Getting clear on what I’m trying to achieve with

  7. Taming my inner self is a full time job

    Have you noticed that in the western world, where we’re all free to do as we please (within the boundaries of the law) we’re all more lost than ever?

  8. I’m in a toxic relationship with my phone. Help!

    I’m in love with my phone. I don’t want to let it go off my sight. I want it next to me. I want to stroke it, look at it, learn everything I can from it. It seems like the perfect partner.

  9. Anxiety and consumerism, are we treating life as a catalogue?

    Feeling less anxious has a lot to do with relinquishing this need for control, with unlearning the ideas that marketing and consumerism have instilled in us.

  10. The route to a beautiful Life

    The right map, is to follow your instincts and do your best in every action you take. Centred action. Every single moment, every single minute, every single day, every single week, every single month, every single year.

  11. Life (God) has been using evolution to know itself through us

    What if the next step in the evolution of humankind was to awaken to be pure Life. To achieve that level of awareness, where we stop identifying with the outer shell that we are, and start identifying with who we really are.

  12. Mother’s guilt: Letting it go

    Don’t hide on your children. Don’t put them up as an excuse not to do what you know what you should do. Let go of mother’s guilt. It’s a trap. You should be doing what your heart wants you to do.

  13. Does change create personal growth or personal fear in your life?

    ‘Change is part of life. Internally, change creates either personal growth or personal fears. If you see change as exciting, then it’s conducive to personal growth. If you see change as scary, then it’ll be conducive to personal fears.’

  14. ‘Nobody cares what you look like’

    We’re so far removed from who we really are that we’ve been tricked into thinking that our value is determined by how thick our hair is, how white our teeth are and how expensive our clothes look. But nothing can be further from the truth.

  15. They key to inner peace: Releasing old energy patterns

    In order to feel more at peace with ourselves and with life, we must be willing to experience the old energy patterns that want to be released from our minds and hearts.

  16. Thoughts are not who we are

    My thoughts are not real. They’re just objects passing through my mind. Ideas, concepts, opinions, images, projections, stories…all told by a narrator that is as unique as the random thoughts that it observes.

  17. Are you on Ego mode or Being mode?

    My ego always feels helpless and insecure. It needs to control things, it needs to work out ways to feel secure. My dad always used to tell me: ‘only the insecure look for security’ and at the time I really didn’t understand what he meant.

  18. Is striving for more bad for you?

    I am always looking for something to make myself feel better. All the time, I’m looking for a change, for something else. For not now. Not this. Surely my happiness could be anywhere else but right here.

  19. Invincible spirit

    I’m at a crossroads in life. I left my career when my daughter was born. That was eleven years ago. Here I am now, trying to find a new path for myself in the world of work.

  20. Making choices with who we want to be in mind rather that who we are

    Our minds are great tools, but they can also put barriers in front of us when it comes to predicting a better future for ourselves.

  21. Jealousy, my saviour

    Jealousy has been a constant in my life. I remember my first fit of intense jealousy when I had my first boyfriend at thirteen. It was so intense, visceral, a huge force that chewed me whole and then spat me out, it was exhausting.

  22. Why I don’t drink alcohol or take drugs

    Some of my thoughts on why I don’t take alcohol and drugs even if recreationally hampers your growth

  23. My emotional scars and what they have taught me

    My goal is to become emotionally healthy and I’ve figured out that my emotional scars always point me to the biggest wins when it comes to my emotional health

  24. The RAIN method by Tara Brach

    Ever felt like negative emotions and thoughts can take over and put you in a trance like state? Today I wanted to share with you a method that I use when that happens to me. It’s called the RAIN method and Iit’s a method developed by Tara Brach, the famous psychologist and author. This four steps can help us to get out of the trance that old fears and trauma can put us in.

  25. Our comfort zones are pointing us to real freedom

    Our comfort zones are so familiar to us that we rather stick with them when we know they don’t serve us well. We know they’re contrary to the life of peace, enthusiasm and joy we want to lead but we stick with them because they give us a false sense of security.

  26. Be the hero of your own story

    Yesterday I heard something really inspiring that to me really epitomizes what a life of high purpose means.

  27. What are you looking for?

    We think we’re looking for happiness, but what we are really looking for is ourselves.

  28. Are you too busy to sit with yourself?

    We think we’re looking for happiness, but what we are really looking for is ourselves.

  29. Healing codependent feelings in romantic relationships

    Last night I had a very vivid dream. It was the kind of dream that is not only visual, but that you also get immersed in how you would feel if the dream was true.

  30. Letting the story I tell myself slip away

    Have you ever felt bound by your thoughts and beliefs about who you are and how you should behave?

  31. What is a good life?

    Our addiction as a society to having things the way we want them to be is one of the biggest sources of suffering.

  32. Are you paying attention to reality?

    One of the main reasons why we suffer is because we’re constantly trying to get reality to match up to what we’ve made up in our heads that it should be.

  33. What’s a good life?

    Our addiction as a society to having things the way we want them to be or expect them to be is one of the biggest sources of suffering in rich countries.

  34. What is the meaning of life?

    Finding what the meaning of life has for a long time, both interested me and given me a healthy dose of existential angst. What is the point of all the experiences we have, all the work that we do? Does any of it mean anything?

  35. Just for today

    This ‘Just for Today’ text has helped millions of people to have a plan for a good day and to turn around their lives.

  36. Phone and computer addiction

    My phone and computer have taken over my life. Slowly but surely these devices have taken more and more of my attention and time. More than I’m probably comfortable admitting.

  37. Freedom from anxiety

    What is anxiety? To me it feels like something that doesn’t want me to rest. As if someone is nudging and bumping me constantly and I can’t rest. I must be alert at all times.

  38. How to feel less fear and anxiety

    We all walk around, with a list of ideas and rules around who our little me is, what is supposed to be doing, who it likes, who it doesn’t like etc. Like someone had given us a script and we’re acting it out.

  39. What lies underneath your sense of self?

    Something I was listening in a podcast really got me thinking yesterday. It was the content of the importance of speaking your truth.

  40. Can we make sense of the world with something else than our mind?

    We’re taught to live in our minds. We’re told that the most important tool we have at our disposal when it comes to handling ourselves in the world is the mind. But is that true?

  41. Being your authentic self requires courage

    The purpose and meaning of my life is to create a clear path between me and my soul. So that its power and beauty can help me be as much of my authentic self as possible.

  42. Mindfulness buys you time

    Ever felt that you want to change but don’t quite know where to get started. Using mindfulness to shine a light on your faults my be the key.

  43. Finding ourselves in this crazy world

    The only way to be truly happy is by getting to know our true selves. Stopping all the butter noise and taking time to find out who we really are is the key.

  44. Are you able to witness everything and hold on to nothing?

    When we hold on to the status quo, we move away from our true path. To be fully in the present moment is the only way to live a truthful life.

  45. Fall behind thought to know who you really are

    The reality of who we are has nothing to do with the personal traits that we’ve been taught make up our identity. It’s about something deeper.

  46. Inner work and the importance of a regular practice

    Having a daily practice to look after your inner self is the most important thing you can do to feel more wellbeing.

  47. Where there’s no space, nothing new can be created

    Busyness and the way most of us rush around doesn’t really allow us to connect with our creativity and with who we really are.

  48. Me and you are the same, but only in the present moment

    When we connect with the space inside of us, we can find a well of energy and wisdom that we’ll take us to a different level of existence.

  49. Working at the root; finding the real reasons why we do things

    “Every time you do something in the name of avoiding the pain, that something becomes a link that holds the potential for the pain you’re avoiding.”

  50. Life on automatic pilot

    Are you present in your life? Or do you feel is a never-ending string of chores that you do in automatic pilot.

  51. Fear, what it is and how to move forward from it

    What exactly is fear? And what are the ways that it stops you from moving forward.

  52. Breaking through the barrier

    It’s funny how the biggest barriers and boundaries in our lives are inside of us.

  53. Addicted to thinking

    Do you believe as a society we have a thinking addiction? or do you just consider it to be a part or normal life, of who we are?

  54. Who are you?

    Realising that I’m not who I thought I was it’s the most liberating thing I’ve learnt in my personal growth journey.

  55. Give yourself the thing that you need the most from others

    How often do we resent someone behaving in a way we think they shouldn’t, just because there’s something we need and we’re looking outwards for it?

  56. How to find yourself in the present moment

    Do you want to know how to connect with your real self? Not our thoughts about who you are, but your real self underneath all your personal labels.

  57. How to find clarity

    Sometimes our minds can stop us being in the present moment. Stopping old patterns running the show allows our real selves to show up; here’s how.

  58. The Power of a daily practice

    Day by day, small things build, into medium things, into bigger things. There’s incredible power in the simple every day tasks we commit ourselves to.

  59. Getting quiet and moving our gaze inward

    My dad’s struggle with alcohol turned from chaos to a rich spiritual experience. The lessons he learned in recovery have left a strong impression.

  60. Going beyond your mental model

    All day, every day we unconsciously wrestle with our inner chatter, creating tension in our present reality, and we don’t know why it’s there.

  61. Going beyond your comfort zone

    It’s very much worth the job of looking at every one of our comfort zones to decide if they’re serving us well or if they’re keeping us back.

  62. How to release energy blockages

    There are emotional patterns that come up every time a particular situation occurs, triggering an emotional response without you having any say.

  63. How to find the present moment

    There’s something that we seldom stop to appreciate, to truly harness. It’s this very moment, here, waiting for us to wake up to it.

  64. Who am I?

    The joyous Being that lives underneath the personality, the one you could feel strongly as a child but now have to peel the layers off to find.

  65. Are you wasting your life?

    We miss 95% of our lives, like a dream, we’re not there. Not being more present is the reason why so many of us have that feeling.

  66. How to be less stressed

    The likes and dislikes that we have been acquiring and curating since we were born are what make us stressed, but how do we undo that?

  67. The key to happiness

    What would your life look like for you if you decided to be happy no matter what happened?

  68. How to make better decisions

    What if any decision we make was based on the outcome that makes us us the most open, joyful and enthused. Is that not the ultimate goal, always?

  69. How to find yourself

    There’s nothing more important to true personal and spiritual growth than realising that you’re not the voice in your head.

  70. How to find peace in our daily lives

    Whenever I was rattled by something that was going on in my life my dad always used to tell me that ‘the horizon is always in the same place’.

  71. Comfort keeps you busy; discomfort shows you the way

    We’re encouraged to seek comfort. We strive to make ourselves comfortable every moment of every day. But what about if comfort was keeping us prisoner?

  72. Accepting your parents and your childhood

    I have a complicated relationship with my mum. My parents divorced when I was ten, and we lost our family home and my mum struggled to make ends meet.

  73. What jobs do you need to do to be yourself?

    Every label that you identify yourself with carries a set of jobs and rules that you need to perform and adhere to dutifully in order to maintain that particular identity.

  74. The problem is always in the past or in the future, the solution is always in the present, part 1

    Over the last few weeks, I have honed in to what an important truth: our minds are not functional tools to engineer a joyful life.

  75. Coping mechanism: cleaning

    My mum’s visiting after almost two years of COVID restrictions and I’ve got a massive urge to deep clean my house.

  76. Where does love live?

    As humans, after all our primary needs are met, all we ever do is try to feel love. Every action has been curated over our lives by our egos to try and feel love and joy.

  77. More harm than good

    What is most important: to have a ‘perfect’ house or to be happy and full of life?

  78. Existential crisis

    In my twenties I watched a science program that explained how the first spark of life started, which plunged me into a full blown existential crisis.

  79. You’re not your mind and your thoughts

    The mind has carved for itself such a prominent place in our experience of the world that we think we’re our thoughts. But I would like to argue otherwise.

  80. Who do you think you are?

    Who you think you are is for the most part who you’ve been told you are since you were born, but is that really who we are?

  81. Don’t fight with what is

    The last few months of married life have been rough, but after a big argument we had a break-through and I realised what I’d been doing wrong.

  82. Healing old wounds

    My pain body, as Eckhart Tolle calls it, is really active around romantic relationships. It’s probably when it’s most active, aside from money.

  83. What is life’s purpose?

    Jon Kabat Zinn has a wonderful idea that has really helped me get a handle on the purpose of existence.

  84. The reason for this blog

    I love self-development and have always wanted to share my ideas in a blog, but there was always something stopping me… Time to put that right.

  85. It’s okay not to be okay

    It’s okay to be a mess, scattered, sad, angry, bored, unmotivated, and/or grumpy. We’re human and those are states that humans can and do experience.

  86. Living life to its fullest

    We’ve been sold the idea that things, experiences or even relationships will fill that void inside us. The actual method is a lot closer to home.

  87. The cages we live in – a journey into self discovery

    Have you ever considered that our comfort zones could be creating prisons of our own making? What can we do to break out?

  88. Coronavirus – the great reset button

    Is there anything positive to take away from this crazy hiatus we find ourselves in? I think so.

  89. A really simple exercise to clear your mind and find clarity

    Feeling overwhelmed? Is life too much? Sometimes things get on top of us. Here’s a simple technique to help you feel better.

  90. Redefining my passion after motherhood

    Eight and and a half years of childrearing have meant that I’ve forgotten many of the things that used to fire me up and even my sense of who I am.

  91. What’s the purpose of it all?

    So what’s the purpose of it all? What is the purpose of Life…? Big question, I know, but for some reason I’m always pondering this big, abyss-like question which at times can, I admit, consume me and make me miserable.

  92. Relationships

    I’d like my second post on my blog to be about relationships. Romantic relationships. Everybody wants one, most have one at some point or another for a longer or shorter period of time, what really what makes a relationship with a partner worthwhile? what makes it last?

  93. First Post

    I’m a new mum, and it’s bloody hard work! Why did nobody ever told me that this little being was going to turn my world upside down… So much for the baby guides that teach you about what do you need to do next in your pregnancy, exercise, decorate the nursery or pack your back for the hospital… what about get your head around the fact that your life is over and you’re about to become a slave to a baby.