The route to a beautiful Life

Don’t tell others tell you what you should do. Be mindful. Take time to find out what you should do with your time, to find out what is your life’s work.

Doing your best every minute of every day, it’s the meaning of your Life. And it matters, it really matters. Just imagine if every single human being had this aim for every minute of every day. Do you think the world would be different? In this perfectly interconnected universe, doing your best is the equivalent of the perfect harmony that prevails in nature. Each plant, each bee and every human doing their best.

The only thing that stops you from doing your best is your ego. With its likes and its dislikes. With its expectations and its evaluations of what is fair and what isn’t. Can you imagine if you could live without listening to that narrative in your head, would it make it easier to just accept each moment as it comes and try your best to enjoy it and cherish it?

Every day, dress your best. Try to have the purest heart, it’s a practice. It’s not an easy path, but it is a path, and we all know that having a path is much better than being rudderless. Most of us are feeling rudderless because we don’t believe the map that we’ve been given to navigate life is the right one. Western culture’s map to a worthwhile life is wrong.

The right map, is to follow your instincts and do your best in every action you take. Centred action. Every single moment, every single minute, every single day, every single week, every single month, every single year. That is the most direct route to a beautiful life.

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