Going beyond your comfort zone

When you approach the barrier areas of your thoughts and emotions, it feels like going into the abyss. You don’t want to go near that place but you can go there. Eventually you will realise that darkness is not what’s really there. What’s really there are the walls that are blocking the infinite light.

— Michael Singer, the untethered soul

That quote for me totally encapsulates what your comfort zone is and how it keeps you from crossing it. We all have different comfort zone and the reason for that is that we’ve all had different experiences so far that have imprinted different lines in the sand that are totally personal to us.

But if they’re so personal to us, or rather to our past experiences it must be that they’re not as real as we think, they’re just marks in our minds that are left from our past. They’re very much worth the job of looking at every single one of them one by one and deciding if they’re serving us well or if they’re keeping us back.

I guess our comfort zones, from an evolutionary point of view, would have been really useful, as they would have allowed us to not get into danger and possibly perish, they were constant reminders of what was safe and what wasn’t from a survival point of view. But those same mechanisms that have kept us alive are also now creating psychological boundaries that are not necessarily real or useful to our full enjoyment of life.

A worthwhile practice would then be to always be reviewing where the edges of our experience are, and whether they can be pushed outwards, whether what we see as psychological fear is real or just a mirage that is preventing us from moving in the direction of realising our true potential and growth.

Do you relate to this? Are there any boundaries that you have crossed yourself recently? Let me know on Twitter.

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