What is the meaning of life?

Finding what the meaning of life is has for a long time, both interested me and given me a healthy dose of existential angst. What is the point of all the experiences we have, all the work that we do? Is it all for nothing, just energy being moving around for a few years (milliseconds in universe time) and then dying? Is that all we are?

Our little minds are excellent at dealing with the details of our lives, but really struggle to grasp the abstract and mind-blowing concepts associated with the universe. It all operates at such high level with its overwhelming size and the incredible amount of detail that it encapsulates within it. I don’t think that with our little human minds, we can even start to comprehend any meaning or any order that may run through the universe. I feel as if to our human mind it is all just gobbledygook and to try to use our human mind, with all of its psychological biases to work out what life is all about it’s just not possible in my opinion.

However, perhaps trying to deepen our understanding around whom we may be underneath may be a worthwhile task which can lead to answers around the meaning of life. We’ve all taken a learned persona because of all of our experiences so far from where we were born, our culture, what parents we had etc. perhaps shedding that side of ourselves and going one level below could lead to more answers around the meaning of life.

Maybe the meaning of life is to wake up from the dream of who we think we are and really experience what’s underneath. We’re a part of the universe, just another expression that the universe takes. And to be aware enough to experience that dimension of ourselves I believe is one of the closest things we can do to start to explore what the meaning of life may be.

What do you think the meaning of life is? Let me know your thoughts and ideas on twitter @energybubble.net

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