Living life to its fullest

Take care of each moment of your life and realise what matters is to live it fully

We’ve been sold this idea that tells us that ‘things’ or ‘experiences’ or even relationships will give us what we’re looking for. They say that the deep longing we feel, that void will be filled if only we chase that next thing.

However, if we think about it, we realise that for a moment we feel some relief, not total relief, but partial at least, and that seems to suffice and then we get onto the next thing, planning, researching, fantasising… Never stopping long enough to really think about if this system of continuous consumption really works. Deep down we have a feeling that it doesn’t but we have been given no other pointers as to what to do instead so we stick to the known evil rather than looking for a better solution to our existential problem.

What is it then?

What would it take to feel complete? To have that feeling of peace, of not needing a single thing, of total contentment. They say that sometimes the things we look for are under our noses and in this case it couldn’t be more true.

What we’re looking for can be found only in the here and now. In the overused word, the present. But it’s true. The only place were real life happens is in this moment, the only moment where we can feel at home is now, it can never be in the future once we’ve achieved X, Y or Z.

It’s a simple truth but one that we all struggle with, and who could blame us we live in this busy, buzzing, cluttered, open all hours, buy with one click and get delivered tomorrow world that has never had us more distracted and desperate for just a moment of peace, an opportunity to catch our breaths.

But guess what, this world that we live in, the one where our culture is designed and controlled by money or the making of money, will never give you a chance to catch your breath, because it’s not in their interest to catch your breath, You’re more likely to buy stuff when you’re lost in it all.

However, it couldn’t be easier to reverse this crazy way of living. We just need a good routine, a good way of remind ourselves every moment, that we’re in charge, we’re not mere batteries in a big capitalist system, we can unplug whenever we want and become owners of our own selves and destiny. Sitting down to appreciate a cup of tea, taking a walk and making sure that we pay attention to every leave and every bird, taking time to commune with ourselves in whatever form we enjoy doing it most. Taking time to appreciate a moment fully, that’s what stops the existential longing! And the best thing, it’s free and always at our disposal, even when we forget about it for a few days and go back to our default absent mindedness, we can just take where we left off and re enter our own personal paradise.

What can you do today to implement this?

Make a cup of tea or coffee, sit down in your favourite place or somewhere quiet, and take 15 minutes just to really pay attention to that moment, the colour, temperature, and smell of your drink, of you feel, your posture, what is around you, just to appreciate that moment fully. Once you do it tell me how you felt!

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