The importance of doing our real work

Life has the habit of always keeping us on our toes. Whenever I get into a good routine with something, in my case, at this point, it’s writing this blog, life has this lovely way of always keeping me on my toes by throwing a holiday, or an illness or a break of some sort that will derail my efforts of getting into a good routine with writing.

After the break, I have to muster all of my will to get back into things, as well as putting up with the knowledge that the first couple of blog posts won’t be all that good because I’m out of the habit of getting in the zone.

Most battles are fought in our heads. It’s a constant battle to actually get down and do what we have to do. We feel bored, hungry, distracted, tired, achy…our bodies will put a fight informed by our minds. You have to be really determined and know where the right path lies, otherwise you WILL get side tracked.

Doing your real work, that thing that you know you should do, that thing that you know you’ve been putting off for years, it’s the most important mission you have on any given day. Even if you only have five minutes spare, even if you have one minute spare, do it, be mindful of how important that works is for the good of the world. If not now, when?

Do you remember the film Ground hog Day? That’s what that film was about, just do your best every day, no matter what is happening, because every day is basically the same day, and you get scored on whether you did what you know you should do, or if you didn’t. If you did, it’s a good day. If you didn’t, it’s a bad day.

Do you relate to my post? would love to hear from you on Twitter @energybubble

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