What are you looking for?

We’re in a continual search of ourselves in our future happiness. We love to conjure really intricate scenarios in our minds of how life should unfold. Likewise, we think that if only all those things came to be, our search would be over. For all to start all over again, as soon as we get to our goal.

However, we’ve been mislead. We’ve been told to look outside for what can only be found inside. That elusive thing we’re looking for is always within our reach. We never need anything to achieve it. It’s within us rig now and anytime we dare to look in the right place for it.

That feeling of wholeness, of being connected to life and to others, is your natural state. No ifs, no buts. You’ve always had it. It’s always been with you. You overlook it because it seems mundane and easy, but it’s always there, always available. Waiting for you to wake up to it.

Simple practices, which require no tools, like sitting down and being quiet with your self can open that inner door, any time, anywhere. But we love the stories in our heads of all the different things that we should do instead of engaging in those simple practices. They seem far more sophisticated and clever. Surely something so simple couldn’t possibly get us what we really want.

But it definitely does make a difference, because as the famous quote by Blaise Pascal in the 17th century goes: ‘All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone’ and it’s absolutely true.

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