Are you wasting your life?

You’re the one that throws your life away. You waste every second of it. You get in your car, drive from here to there, and you don’t see anything. You’re not even there. You’re busy thinking about what you’re going to do next.

— Michael Singer, The Untethered Soul

This quote wouldn’t be so tragic if it wasn’t so true. We miss 95% of our lives, like a dream, we’re not there. Ever had the feeling that life is just passing you by? Not being more present is the reason why so many of us have that feeling.

So what’s the antidote, surely if it was easy, we would all be doing it, what’s stopping us from being here and aware of what’s happening around us? If we’re to find an antidote, first we need to find what the problem is, and the problem is we live out lives through our minds. It’s our minds that run the whole show, we just execute in what that little chatter in our heads tells us to do.

But what do you mean? I need my mind to figure out what to do at any given point? Right? Wrong. The mind is a tool, it’s not you. An amazing tool at that and one that can achieve amazing stuff but it’s not you. You’re the one that sees what’s in your mind, what the mind is saying but you can also step back from the mind when it’s just engaging in narrating it’s likes and dislikes about what’s happening in front of you.

And that’s the antidote right there, stepping back from the mind. Separating it from who you are. You’re not your mind. The mind thinks, works problems out, helps you survive in this world, but the mind is not you. You are the one watching the movie that the mind puts on in any given moment, and to not throw life away and be more present, you need to find a way to tune in more to your neutral self that sits behind the mind, that’s the only way to appreciate life and to experience it.

Give it a try. Connect with who’s underneath by tuning out from your thoughts on a regular basis, that’s how not to waste life. That’s how to truly live life.

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