How to find the present moment

There’s something that we seldom stop to appreciate, to truly harness. It’s this very moment, here, waiting for us to wake up to it. Waiting for us to play with it, like an excited puppy awaits to be played with. The present moment, always eager for you to be there, to engage with it, like a child that wants nothing more than the full attention of its parents.

The present moment is all there is, is all there always will be, it’s the only place where life exists. When we’re not in the present moment we’re playing at life in our minds, and just like a computer game, it looks real but it’s not. If you spend too long in the game, you’re slowly drained of life.

Time is not a calendar like we’ve been taught. Time is not a line we look backwards and forwards to. That’s what the mind thinks time is. But time is just a succession of present moments. This moment, this moment, this moment.

Time is a path, a journey we walk with every step. If you look at it as a calendar you’re not walking the path, you’re not a traveller in the journey and you may as well be dead as no step you take will ever matter.

There’s always something you can use to anchor yourself to the present and keep walking the real path. Beauty can bring you back to the present. Look around you, find it, observe it and you’re back!

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