Life (God) has been using evolution to know itself through us

What if Life (what some may call God) has been using evolution to try and know himself on earth, as a physical being. So it has been trying all the different permutations of animals and plants with the ultimate goal of being able to fully realize itself in the physical plane. To know itself while alive in a body.

As humans, we’re the closest he has been able to get to it, but we’re still not understanding who we really are. When we identify with our labels of my Joe, or Jane, I was born in that year and I did such and such in those years, we’re still not fully awake to who we are.

What if the next step in the evolution of humankind was to awaken to be pure Life. To achieve that level of awareness, where we stop identifying with the outer shell that we are, and start identifying with who we really are.

That’s perhaps why we’re all admire and are in awe of people that seem to have transcended their humanness. Buddha, Jesus and other spiritual leaders and gurus understood that their essence wasn’t about their physical bodies and minds but in their inner awakening that they were nothing more than Life itself. Life trying to realize itself here on earth.

My job every day, is to try and keep ‘my dream’ at bay and remind myself that I’m Life itself, just trying to experience every moment. The reason why I meditate is that it helps me stop identifying with my human thoughts, and it allows the pure canvas of awareness underneath them to become centre stage.

We succeed or fail in Life, on a moment to moment basis. It doesn’t matter if you’re succeeding at life from a human perspective, it never fills the hole. You can only succeed in Life if you make a pledge to be a conduit for Life to be able to know itself. You’ll know no happiness like it. Doesn’t matter if you succeeded or failed yesterday. The present moment is always fresh and current. Every moment carries the same message, be here now, so that I Life can know myself in it.

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