Finding ourselves in this crazy world

Our egos are very, very lost. We’re like little children lost in s big world trying to find sings and pointers in our environments that will lead us home. But we’re looking in the wrong places. We’re looking for that feeling of home outside ourselves and it’s only by exploring our inner world that we can find what we yearn for so deeply.

It doesn’t help that our capitalist culture if full of very skilled marketeers that are experts in pointing the arrows to an array of products, experiences and aspirational identities that, they say, if we follow will take us home.

But following the wishes of our egos tickled by the loud outside cues we experience on a daily basis leads us down the wrong path for months, years sometimes a whole lifetime.

So what to do instead? What is the right path. The right path is having time set aside everyday to commune with ourselves. To observe our fragile and wounded egos, to know where our triggers are, to become fluent on our own flaws and quirks so that when they arise we can identify their power in our actions quicker and stop our selves for going down a path that we know takes us nowhere.

The way I do this, is by every morning, waking up an hour before everyone else and taking time to sit in silence with a notebook and jotting down my thoughts, letting whatever wants to arise to come forth and give me access to that inner world that has so much power over my experience of life.

My wish for the world is that everyone would have a personal practice, that would allow them to connect with their inner selves, there’s a wealth of wisdom that is absolutely personal to each of us that can only be access it from the quiet of those carefully crafted moments.

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