They key to inner peace: Releasing old energy patterns

In order to feel more at peace with ourselves and with life, we must be willing to experience the old energy patterns that want to be released from our minds and hearts.

One of my wishes for my life is to try and help everyone to learn how to be free from emotional issues. For all of us to understand how emotional difficulties can be released, for us to be literate in how we can improve our mental health. As I believe, this is one of the aspects of our psyche that most commonly keep us from having a happy, fulfilling life.

Emotional problems are difficult and sometimes painful energies that we weren’t able to process fully at the time of the event and therefore have remained locked inside us. Every time something in our environment reminds us in some way of that painful event or memory, we revert to them and feel exactly the same as we felt at the time. And so we try and avoid those situations because they make us feel uneasy and uncomfortable. It’s a never ending cycle.

Because of this cycle, those uncomfortable energies never get to be properly dealt with, and so they linger in the background. With the pass of time we learn exactly how to navigate the world without having our emotional wounds touched, and so we think that’s a good outcome as our main objective is to never deal with those energies. However, this keeps us from experiencing life fully. We’re simply surviving.

Life always calls us to release those energies, to let them go. With each reactivation of the old energy pattern, we have an opportunity to let it go. Instead of avoiding the triggering situation, we have the chance of finding somewhere quiet where we can sit and fully let the uncomfortable energy go through us. To let its ripples fully pass through our hearts, to play their tune in our heart and then leave us.

This practice is simple but highly effective in allowing us to fully experience these emotions a number of times and then let them go forever. The alternative is a lifetime of letting this hidden patterns rule our lives and stopping us from reaching our highest potential.

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