What lies underneath your sense of self?

I heard something interesting yesterday from a podcast I was listening to; it was talking about the concept of the importance speaking your truth. I think it was something the writer and thinker Jordan Peterson quoted. It’s the idea of putting forward into the world that which you know to be true for you.

This would really tie in well with concept of really doubling down into getting to know who you really are, as without that it would be difficult to know what your truth is in any given moment. This points at the idea of getting to know the I that is underneath all the labels, cultural norms and general stories that others (and ourselves) have been telling us about who we are.

There’s a part of you that is underneath your thoughts about ‘you’ and your life. It’s the part that is just pure awareness, sitting under all the mayhem that our minds are. But we’re so used to associate our self identity with our minds, our thoughts and our material lives that we’ve lost the ability to connect to that deeper part of ourselves which is always there unchanged, like the horizon. Always in the some place.

And so speaking your truth has to do with taking time each day to get quiet, to go underneath your thoughts and mental noise. Being committed to reconnecting with that part of yourself. It’s the only place to find peace. You can try to manufacture peace but it’s like making a drawing of a horse and believing it’s a horse. It’s an oversimplification and not anywhere close to the magnificent creature that a horse is.

We know who we are as kids and then as the years go past and the labels get piled on us, we forget. Too many layers of sticky paper on top of it. But it’s always there, it never goes anywhere, you only have to make the commitment to get quiet so you can start unpicking the layers and get back to your real self, your essence. Only then you’ll be ready to speak your truth.

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