Are you too busy to sit with yourself?

And because of this we’re in a merry-go-round of getting busy to try and find our future happiness, when really, what we’re looking for is always there.

We love to conjure really intricate scenarios of how life should unfold. We think if we can achieve certain things, or mould life in a certain way, then we could finally feel like our whole selves.

The only time is possible to ever feel that feeling of ‘having arrived’ is in the present moment. Furthermore, we never need anything to achieve it. It’s with us, always. We only have to find practices that help us tune to it.

It’s our natural state. We’ve always had it. It’s always with us. We overlook it because it seems mundane, but it’s always there, always available. Waiting for us to wake up to it.

Simple practices, which require no tools, like sitting down and being quiet with ourselves can open that inner door, any time, anywhere.

But we love the stories in our heads of all the different things that we should do instead of engaging in those simple practices. They seem far more sophisticated and clever, but the ratio between effort and reward on those pursuits is extremely high. However they don’t quite get us the feeling that we’re looking for a so we keep searching.

Try it, have a practice for a week where you sit for 15min twice a day and just be. No screens, no distractions, perhaps a book that inspires deeper thought or a notebook to jot down whatwver comes to mind. You’ll see that a simple practice of connecting with yourself everyday will change your life.

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