Invincible spirit

I’m at a crossroads in life. I left my career when my daughter was born. That was eleven years ago. Here I am now, trying to find a new path for myself in the world of work. I feel vulnerable and small. It feels so daunting and scary to start over at fourty four years old, but at the same time insignificant when I compare it to what my grandma Gloria did.

My grandma Gloria, that never got to meet, as she died when my mum was fourteen years old, was an incredible woman that defied all odds and showed super human strength in how she overcame the obstacles in her life.

She was someone that even in postwar Spain, a place where women didn’t have a voice and hardly any legal rights, managed to bring up four girls and one boy even after her husband died at a young age and left her destitute. She did this by moving them across the country, from Seville to Barcelona, where there were better opportunities. Not only that, she did this with hardly any money to her name. I’m inspired by her invincible spirit.

I’ve got her invincible genes in me and so if she could do it. I can definitely do it, as my situation is not half as challenging as hers was. Furthermore, I’ve done it before. I’ve moved countries for a better life before. I’ve shown that invincible spirit before. It’s in me and I can do it again.

I’m going to do it. I’m going to fight again. I’m going to make you proud, grandma.

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