Does change create personal growth or personal fear in your life?

‘Change is part of life. Internally, change creates either personal growth or personal fears. If you see change as exciting, then it’s conducive to personal growth. If you see change as scary, then it’ll be conducive to personal fears.’

Adapted from Michael Singer, The Untethered Soul

I find that as the years go by I become more and more scared of change. I used to love change in my early twenties, travelling, moving cities, jobs, getting to know new people, new activities…

Then life slowed down as I had kids and suddenly the things that used to feel really exciting, still feel exciting, but the fear that change will mess up my kids weights heavier than the excitement that would have allowed me to go for it.

I guess that’s the point middle age sets. I become more risk averse, excitement and fun leave my life little by little. Maybe that’s why people have middle life crisis in their fifties? It’s their way to rekindle their relationship with making change a part of their life again once the kids are a bit older.

I look forward to that time, but for now, I guess it’s normal that change feels a bit scary. The feeling of fear when you’re raising kids is there to protect them, as what they need more right now is for things to be a stable as possible, so they can thrive in their development.

Once that’s done, I’m sure, change will feel exciting again, and then I’ll be able to answer its calling, like I used to do in my early twenties and thirties. There’s a time and a season for everything.

How does change feel for you? exciting or scary? let me know on Twitter @energybubble

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