The Power of a daily practice

Day by day, small things build, into medium things, into bigger things. It may seem impossible that something as simple and as mundane as half an hour today could amount to anything significant. But there’s incredible power in the simple every day tasks we commit ourselves to.

It works both directions, up or down, left or right. Whatever direction we take and commit to, the everyday tasks we engage will turn into something tangible, something of substance. Drip, drip, drip. A single drop of water can fill a big bath before you realise. It’s the same with small and seemingly insignificant actions we take in our daily lives.

This blog works this way. Small steps, constant steps, building something from the ground up. Don’t listen to your mind when it says the steps are too small, the gesture too weak. It’s not true. Small steps. Always. Don’t stop. Ever. Work on quieting the mind. You will get there. Something will appear in front of you. Even if you’ve got no idea what will it be yet.

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