How to feel less fear and anxiety

‘I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions and experiences. I am not the content of my Life. I am the space in which all things happen. I am consciousness. I am the Now. I am.’

The quote above encapsulates one of the most important and wide spread misconceptions and truths of our existence. If only we could also deeply understand that truth, humanities problem would all be solved in an instant.

We all walk around, myself included, with a list of ideas and rules around our who we are, what we are supposed to be doing, who we like, who we don’t like etc. It’s like someone had given us a script and we’re acting it out to perfection.

But what if we’re not the script at all? What if we’d been given a different script? We’d still be the same person? Or who would we be then? Transcending that sense of self is really the most liberating and transformative thing any of us can do.

And is not easy, don’t get me wrong, as social pressure and general consensus amongst humans that we’re all to be acting out this roles is hard to resist. But just think about it, or better still have a feel at what’s underneath all those rules and regulations that you so tightly adhere to. Can you feel that there’s something deeper underneath them?

This is why personal spiritual practices and meditation can provide some relief for anxiety and depression, because they provide a space where the sense of self can dissipate a little and we can sense more intensely who we really underneath. It’s the only way to feel true peace.

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