The reason for this blog

I love personal development, meditation, mindfulness and spirituality books. I’ve always wanted to write, to talk, to express the ideas that over the years I’ve been reading, pondering, distilling and trying to practice. But there was always something stopping me from doing it, something in the back of my mind telling me that I was not good enough to do it, but I finally feel ready and hence why you’re reading this words. But the truth is that I still don’t feel good enough, or clever enough, or even worthy enough to write something that someone may take the time to stop their lives to read, but I’m still going to do it, because I don’t think anyone ever feel ready, you just have to go for it.

So in the last week or so, I’ve made a pledge with myself to write everyday. I’ll write something around the aforementioned subjects everyday. I will try to bring some of the passion that I feel for how much looking inwards can help us live better lives, that are more fulfilled, more interesting and that most importantly that give full meaning to our existence.

The way I’m going to do it, is the way my personal practice has always seem to work best. Very early in the morning, or as early as my family life will allow I sit, I read, I meditate and I write or jot ideas about the ideas that come to me. I then go downstairs and deal with family life and all it’s demands, and later on in the morning I sit and I write something resembling of blog post for all of you to read.

This morning wasn’t the most productive as I woke up late, due to my children waking me up in the night, but nevertheless I sat for a bit and as soon as I finished the school run, I’m here writing. I hope you’ll come with me on this journey, I would love it you did, because I believe the meaning of my life is for us to connect on a deeper level, the one below the egos we all live under in our everyday lives, the real truth of who we are.


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