What is my Mission
23rd May 2022
What is my Mission?
- To be connected to the real me as much as possible.
- To join the many other voices already out there that talk about the inner journey.
- To be honest about my inner struggles when talking to others, vulnerability, when correctly developed and applied, it’s a superpower.
- To continue to develop the language of the inner quest that we all go through when navigating life.
- To foster the sharing of feelings, introspection and sharing of spiritual experiences.
- To help others in any way I can to find their way through their inner quest, but only if they actively seek the help.
- To open my conscious mind as much as possible to my fears, insecurities and internal battles. So I can recognise them faster so I can remove their power over my life.
- To share things that otherwise only live inside my mind. This has a therapeutic effect. Not just on me, but on others around me that experience the inner sharing.