Be the hero of your own story

Yesterday I heard something really inspiring that to me really epitomizes what a life of high purpose means.

It was on a podcast from a guy called Aubrey Marcus. In the podcast, he was interviewing Jordan Peterson, the controversial thinker and psychologist. Really worth a listen on YouTube if you’ve got some spare time. Here’s the link and the bit i’m referring to is on from min 86

To quote roughly so it makes sense, he says something like:

>Aspire to live as the hero of your own story. Allow that ideal to be the fable that you live by and that has grandchildren saying I’m going to be like him/her because the inspiring way that they lived their lives<

It really struck a cord. Most of us are looking to find out what is what we where put on this earth to do. We’re wanting to find meaning to our existence. And that statement, for me, really puts it into context, it’s not really what you do, or finding one particular target to aim at, but rather an exercise in reaching out into the depths of your being and really looking up as high as you possibly can and emboding every day that ideal you. To dare to imagine what that hero version of you would look like.

As a society and as a culture sometimes, I believe, we sometimes struggle to find meaning and purpose because everything has become too individualistic and materialistic. This is a good place to start, a good solid ground in which to build a new life which you can start to implement today. A life in which every day you make the commitment to dig deep and to try your best even when that scares you. What do you think? Does that strike a chord with you as much as it does for me? Let me know on Twitter or Instagram @energybubble or on Facebook

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